Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 3: Park City Moutain Resort

Today we all decided we are not getting in the car at all. Close to our resort is the Park City Mountain Resort. While there is no snow there are some really fun summer activities. We bought the all day pass and A. Honey, Bop, Jen, Abby, Joey Boots, Pete enjoyed the Alpine Coaster, Alpine Slide, Miniature Golf, Legacy Launcher (a fancy trampoline), Zipline, a climbing wall, and other kiddy rides.

The very first thing we did was get on the ski lift and go to the Alpine Slide. The ski lift had just opened for the day and there was several mountain bikers ahead of us and then a few couples and then us. It was very interesting to see how people dress for mountain resort activities in Park City, UT. The lady in front of us had on 5 inch heels. While initially I felt under dressed for the day and I thought I could go back and get my 2.5 inches heels from the hotel, I remembered I just had my bunion removed and it would not be possible for me to wear those sandals afterall we bought the all day pass. Anyway, the ski lift ride was ~15 minutes. The kids were so good. We all hopped off, grabbed our sled and headed for the slide. Abby was tall enough to ride by herself and so was Bop. A. Honey & Joe and then Jen&Pete rode together. It was a long and fast ride downhill.

It was a beautiful day. Needless to say, everyone had so much fun. Check out the pics.


  1. Dude - we need to do something about the picss! Can only find Day 1! Also need to get a few pics of the other adults (assuming you place yourself in the adult category). An alias legend would me nice too (have figured out that Donna=A Honey=Aunt Hony, and believe Joe=Joey Boots but a legend would be nice. Hope I'm not blowing your cover or giving anything away to the CIA.

  2. No hitchhiker stories yet? What kind of road trip is this?
