Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 1 - And we are off

So the car left Granada Lane at 10:36 AM. We set the GPS, said our prayers, and at 10:39 AM we have the first request to stop for lunch. Our first official stop was 11:16 AM at a RT 29 Rest Area stop for a super quick Pete Potty break. I know that does not sound impressive but by 12:44 PM we have been in three states KS, MO and IO. We were a little surprised when we entered Iowa as we did not see that we would be going through IO on the GPS or our kids coloring book atlas and thought maybe we were going the wrong way but we weren't and everything is ok. At that time (~12:45 pm), we decided we should considered buying a real map. By 12:57 PM we hit Nebreska and we are going to be in Nebreska a long time. Our first lesson learned buy map before trip. 2nd lesson learned when you are in the mid-West and you see civilization and you are kinda hungry, you should stop. We were driving through Lincoln ~200 miles into the trip , ~1:30 and even though it was Interstate 80 this was a business route. We commented on all the restaurants but thought we have good momentum and we should go a bit further. So the Interstate starts again and there is no place to stop for an hour. We did all survive as we did pack enough food to cross the country 10 times but it was an important lesson learned nonetheless. So for lunch on the first day, Joey Boots made a request for McDonald's and since he was the most hungry we all agreed. Then we went to Walmart and bought more provisions but most importantly an US atlas!!! We hit the road and did not stop again until we hit Cheyenne, WY.

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